

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

"Does it alway's have to be a plant in the corner??"...no no no..

Does it alway's have to be a corner with a "plant"..to just fill an empty space....no..no..no...sometimes thinking out of the "box" is a good thing..and also..a more "eclectic look"..no not everyone has to go out and by "vintage" rocking horse's...but..I did..somehow..the bordome of that "Plant" when they are everywhere anyway..seemed a bit to "shabby" ..yet needed some "shabby chic"...when you decorate..and most of your home is antique..or the other way around "contempo"...colonial...traditional..think of something that is a bit "out of the box"..something that is fun..yet fits..with me always..the "flow" is..amazing in my home..always has been since my first home purchase in 1982, ...growing from the "unique" atmosphere  there..adjustments..that are timeless, eclectic...fun..have an tendancy to really put your decorating skills to the test...by that..i say "bring it on"...we all have those amazing pieces..yet..finding such a great place..for them.."together"..is not as challenging as it seems....the most complimentary to me, is how many come through all my homes..and seem to "wander"..and ask..and are stunned..at such a "eclectic" yet never flowing in the wrong direction..and to me..it's a little bit of comfort to know that my guests are so so "at home"..or that "memorie's" of things of the past..spring to mind..mostly "good memorie's"

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